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Emergency funds are considered to be a necessity as far as financial security is concerned, since it can provide one with financial resources that one can resort to and depend on when an emergency arises such that when one is sick and have the burden of paying huge medical bills, or unexpected home or major car repair.

When one has no emergency fund, one can be obliged to acquire debt on your credit card that might take several years to repay with interest that would later cost so much more.

However by putting an extra thirty to fifty dollars every month in an individual “emergency savings account” one can be secured with what emergency the future may bring. In doing this, it is recommended that one regards the emergency fund as an additional bill, to be punctually paid each month.

Yes, one can and should budget and allocate the extra money for emergency fund, as this is very significant when one refers to his “financial future”. Here, the goal is to create savings from budgeting your income; the emergency savings should ideally be equal to at least three months your living expenditures.

What's important is that you should steadily put a certain amount of money aside, and only use it for real emergencies.

Not like an investment, the success of one’s long-term savings funds does not really count on the amount of return or interests but on placing a fixed amount of money away constantly and steadily so to have immediate access to it at all times.

In spite of one’s financial status, the initial step in the process of constructing an emergency fund is by knowing where your money is presently being consumed or spent.

When one recognizes and determines where one’s earnings are spent, then it will be easy for one to choose and make a decision where to trim down expenses. In other words, budget.

Budgeting is putting or setting aside money for anticipated and unanticipated future use. It is here that one sets up a goal so as to save. So set an emergency fund as your goal.

Checking, savings, money market accounts and “certificates of deposits”, are great places to keep one’s cash that might be needed on quick notice.

The amount saved from budgeting can either go to your savings goal, emergency fund or both. One could utilize the money saved from budgeting financial expenses by saving half of it to your savings account and half of it for emergencies. This way, you achieve your goals in savings and at the same time put in funds for emergency use. It’s your choice.

As the fifth largest city in the United States, Phoenix, Arizona offers a sunny climate, a diverse culture and a unique set of challenges for the educators and administrators of Phoenix Schools. Addressing the needs of the large number of English as a Second Language (ESL) students, a huge proportion of low-income families, and the typical urban problems like high drop out rates, are among the issues of Phoenix Schools.

So it’s not surprising that meeting the state standa...

Phoenix Schools

Article Body:
As the fifth largest city in the United States, Phoenix, Arizona offers a sunny climate, a diverse culture and a unique set of challenges for the educators and administrators of Phoenix Schools. Addressing the needs of the large number of English as a Second Language (ESL) students, a huge proportion of low-income families, and the typical urban problems like high drop out rates, are among the issues of Phoenix Schools.

So it’s not surprising that meeting the state standards, as enacted by President’ Bush’s “No Child Left Behind Act”, has severely stressed some Phoenix Schools. But what about the stress those tests put on the children of the Phoenix Schools? Controversy between some parents in Central Phoenix and the school administration resulted in a group protest outside of Indian School Elementary last week.

A small group made up of parents, students and a private counselor picketed to protest the current practice of testing elementary students of Phoenix Schools. Parents, and a former educator and counselor Jane Fendelman, claim that third to fifth grade students are overstressed about these “high-stakes tests.” Fendelmen says the number of stressed out students in her practice has increased dramatically over recent years. This argument is not unique to the Phoenix Schools. Educators and parents nationwide have debated the benefits of testing for years.

While most states instituted some sort of the testing prior to 2002, the SAT, which is administered in 11th grade, was the main source of testing stress, and that mainly for college bound Phoenix Schools’ teens. But the “No Child Left Behind Act” ties yearly promotion to successful test results for children.

Arizona superintendent of schools, Tom Horne, has stated that, “Standards are meaningless unless you test them…. anyone who continues to be an advocate for mediocrity should get out of education….” And that is the really point of contention for all sides. How do Phoenix Schools enforce reasonable standards and produce well-rounded and emotionally stable children?

In Phoenix Schools, the point has great impact. The Roosevelt District has consistently tested below all others despite higher per student funding. Phoenix Schools currently are rated with the AZ LEARNS guidelines. These are based on the Measure of Academic Progress (MAP), which compares state testing results of individual schools. Like all Arizona public schools, the Phoenix Schools use the AIMS test for both elementary and high schools students.

Phoenix Schools are given ratings of Excelling; High Performing; Performing; Underperforming; or Failure to meet academic standards. Parent concerns involve both failing schools, and the pressure to test successfully at such young ages. Educators also complain about “teaching to the test” rather than providing children with well-rounded academic instruction.

Still, it looks like the era of testing is in the Phoenix Schools for the foreseeable future. Whether the concerns of a small group of protesting parents have any impact against the pressure on politicians to “prove “ success has yet to be seen.

Better golf solutions is a mystery for the average golfer. Finding the magic bullet that’s going to cure your game overnight isn’t going to happen. In looking for better golf solutions, you’ve got to think about what’s the main reason you’re not making a sound, repeatable golf swing that generates power and accuracy?

golf,golf swing,golf trainer,golf workouts,golf exercises,golf fitness,golf lessons,golf instruction,golf tips

Article Body:
Better golf solutions is a mystery for the average golfer. Finding the magic bullet that’s going to cure your game overnight isn’t going to happen. In looking for better golf solutions, you’ve got to think about what’s the main reason you’re not making a sound, repeatable golf swing that generates power and accuracy?

Common approaches to better golf solutions are taking more lessons; buying new golf equipment that will hopefully make up for your swing faults (such as offset/oversized drivers and irons); purchasing training aids that promise the world, but end up in your garage gathering dust or being sold on ebay; or going to the range with a new level of practice commitment.

The six million dollar question! Did it help? Are you happy with your results?

If the answer is yes…congratulations on your success! If the answer is no, than what in the world is left? You’ve done everything right?

I want you to think real hard for a second.

What one thing is critical in swinging a club, hitting the ball square and long, and producing results?


You dictate your outcome!

Let me explain.

You body has a current level of physical capability. It is what it is. Whatever that level is, will be your outcome. No ifs, ands, or buts about it! You will never consistently play to what you think your potential is until you improve your “physical capabilities”!

If golfers knew this little secret, they’d save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars a year on lessons, gimmicky training aids, equipment and range fees.

You are an athlete! A golf athlete! You’ve got to “prepare your body to perform”.

What other athletic event do you know of where the athlete just shows up without working on his/her physical attributes?


I hate to be so blunt, but it is a fact. Only until you realize this, and take it to heart will you achieve your golfing goals. Your BODY determines your outcome. Your BODY makes your golf swing. Your BODY physically plays for 18 holes. Your BODY dictates your confidence. I hope you’re getting the point here.

I can’t say this strong enough!

Take the approach like an athlete and you will never have to think of better golf solutions.

The iPods have been a market hit since their launching in 2001. With the appearance of the new iPod video on the market in 2005, the iPod became even more popular, as it achieved high umbers in sales and an increased interest from the public. The sales of the iPod video were, in general, better than the expectations. Considering the fact that the new product brought, indeed, something new to the market, which was never tested before and the customers were used to the idea that iPod stands for music and, in a smaller part, it stands for photos, the sales surprised the producers just like the product surprised the customers and the users.
Basically, the iPod video present 2 variants of the device: the 30 GB model and the 60 GB one, which both play QVGA H. 264 videos. Over the last holiday season, the sales were very high, as people seamed to be more interested in purchasing such an item before taking the summer vacation. Due to this fact, the new iPod video turned out to be a great choice of spending the time during the holiday. In fact, the last holiday season brought a 30 % increase of the sales, which is a consistent amount. Even more, the new iPod video turned out to be an excellent Christmas present, as the sales indicate the fact that the sales of the iPods increased significantly before this important religious holiday. Another sales hit in the history of the iPods was the Apple iPod + hp, which was launched in the year 2004. In the first months of 2006, Apple reported sales of 565 million dollars, which was the highest number in the company’s history. In fact, Apple managed to ship 6, 16 million iPods during the first months of 2005, meaning a 66 % increase over the same period of time in 2004.

The new range of iPods are supposed to be even more improved and have a new variety of features and new accessories, which will increase even more the popularity of these products. After the famous exposition called Macworld, which was held on the 10th of January 2006, the official speakers reported sales over 42 million dollars, which included a part of 14 million dollars, gained in the first quarter of the year. With even more expectations in sales for the future, the engineer team of Apple is focusing even now in producing a sixth generation of even more optimized iPods.
Till the appearance on the market of the iPod video, the best selling product of the iPod series was the iPod nano, which had great results since the launching. The studies and researches show the fact that most of the part of the consumers want and easy personalization of their video content, meaning quality and inexpensive solutions that satisfy their needs. IPod video brought, at its launching, a new set of features that were about to change the perception that people had about this small, yet powerful device. With a memory that could now include a play list of 15, 000 songs, 25, 000 pictures and up to 150 of hours full with videos and movies, the new iPod was an innovative new product and the market embraced its originality and new and exiting features.

When a tree is in the young stages, one of the most vital things you need to provide for it in addition to water and nutrients is support. If you don’t hold up the tree somehow, it might end up bending in a certain direction and growing extremely crooked for the rest of its life. So no matter what, you should always have some kind of support.

The most popular method of keeping young trees upright is to put long stakes into the ground on either side, and tie loops around the tree. Each loop should be fairly loose to allow for further expanding of the trunk. Lots of people just have a stake on one side of the tree, but this is not a good practice because it generally doesn’t allow for further growth of the tree.

You should only be staking your tree if you think that wind and other forces might be literally moving the ball of roots within the ground. Your staking should prevent all of this movement, because this is the most harmful thing that can happen to a young tree. It causes the roots to be in motion too much and not be able to properly get a hold on the soil so that the tree can develop normally.

Before you stake a tree, you should be completely sure that it needs it. If you constrict the movement and growth of a tree that doesn’t need to be tethered down, you could harm it beyond repair. For example, the staking mechanism you use could cause abrasion or “rashes” on the trunk. This will happen anyways, but why have it happen needlessly? Also, staking gives your yard an unnatural look and can present a hazard for people walking or running across the yard.

The staking process is actually rather simple. Just take 3 stakes and tie each one separately near the base of the trunk. If you use some sort of tether to prevent rope burn on your tree, that would be an even better solution. These can be purchased at any gardening shop, and are designed to be friendly to the bark of the tree. It is much better to stick with these instead of bare rope, to minimize the amount of friction the tree endures.

When you think your tree has been staked long enough to stand on its own, you should remove the stakes from the ground as soon as humanly possible. Every moment the tree is constricted it is losing some of its vitality. As soon as it seems like the wind is dying down around your area, look on the weather reports and see how much wind is forecasted. If the skies will be pretty clear for a while, you should at least temporarily take off the stakes.

To wrap it all up, you should never deny your tree a good staking. It is a completely necessary thing to do in certain situations. It is very crucial to understand when those occasions are, though. Staking a tree that doesn’t need it can be as damaging as not staking a tree that does need it. It might be beneficial for you to consult an expert, and get their opinion as to whether your tree should be staked, and for how long.

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